Hilarious Joe Biden Memes (13 Memes)

Peruse and enjoy the following Joe Biden Memes!

MSM raising the Joe Biden at Ewo Jima

Joe Biden: Russian meddling wouldn’t have happened under my watch!

You were the Vice President when it happened!


Joe Biden in Driving Ms. Crazies

Turn Left! No, Hard Left!


Spangler candies to offer limited edition Joe Biden Sweethearts for Valentines Day.


Mexican word of the day: Biden

“Help! This gringo is Biden my ear!”


…We’ll just call them racist, sexist, greedy, islamophobic, xenophobic or clingers!


Pay no attention to the Far Left Radicals behind the curtain!


Biden: We had the lowest blank unemployment numbers in history!

Obama: No Joe, that was Trump.

Biden: We created opportunity zones in communities with high levels of poverty!

Obama: No Joe, that was Trump.

Biden: We restored and increased funding to historical black colleges and universities!

Obama: No Joe, that was Trump.

Biden: We reformed the crime bill I wrote and sponsored in 1994!

Obama: No Joe, that was Trump.

Biden: Man, that guy is a racist!


Do you still like cigars?


I will not speak unless spoken to.

I will not speak unless spoken to.


Is this where I make the gaffe? Or do we want to wait ’til later?


I’m endorsing you, Joe!

For what?


Good Joe! Food goes there, not your foot.

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Best Obama Meme Ever

Obama’s legacy – going… going… gone!

If there were a meme awards ceremony (and if we have our way, there will be), this meme has to be in contention for meme of the year. This single meme may sum up the entire Obama presidency. Obama was often unable to pass his radical legislation through congress, so he resorted to using executive orders instead. He famously said, “We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation. […] I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.”

Continue reading “Best Obama Meme Ever”

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Erasing Obama’s Legacy

And now let’s add a little more erased history right over here.

President Donald Trump as Bob Ross painting over Obama’s presidential portrait.

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Uninstalling Barack Obama

Uninstalling Barack Obama. Please be patient. Your country will be restored soon.

President Trump recently pulled out of the Obama administration’s horrific Iran nuclear deal, removing yet another of Obama’s “signature” achievements.

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