Weekly Favorites

  • Hilarious Joe Biden Memes (13 Memes)Peruse and enjoy the following Joe Biden Memes! MSM raising the Joe Biden at Ewo Jima Joe Biden: Russian meddling wouldn't have happened under my watch! You were the Vice President when it happened!   Joe Biden in Driving Ms. Crazies Turn Left! No, Hard Left!   Spangler candies to offer limited edition Joe Biden Sweethearts for Valentines Day.   Mexican word of the day: Biden "Help! This gringo is Biden my ear!"   ...We'll just call them racist, sexist, greedy, islamophobic, xenophobic or clingers!   Pay no attention to the Far Left Radicals behind the curtain!   Biden: We had the lowest blank unemployment numbers in history! Obama: No Joe, that was Trump. Biden: We created opportunity zones in communities with high levels of poverty! Obama: No Joe, that was Trump. Biden: We restored and increased funding to historical black colleges and universities! Obama: No Joe, that was Trump. Biden: We reformed the crime bill I wrote and sponsored in 1994! Obama: No...
  • How to find Kentucky on a map. How To Find Kentucky On A Map (Funny!)How to find Kentucky on a map. Now you’ll never forget. Guaranteed!
  • I haven’t seen Democrats this mad since Republicans freed their slaves. I Haven’t Seen Democrats This Mad Since…
  • Remember D-Day – June 6th, 1944 (8 Memes)Remember D-Day   D-Day June 6th, 1944 The enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed. But we shall return again and again!   D-Day in numbers.     Leave our safe space? What if they call us names?   Remember men, if any of you should feel offended... We have set aside safe spaces on the beach.   D-Day veterans sitting across from themselves in the same plane which dropped them into Normandy!   June 6th, 1944 - D-Day. D-Day marked the beginning of the liberation of German-occupied France. According to Wikipedia, D-Day was the largest seaborne invasion in history. It consisted of nearly 5,000 landing and assault craft, 289 escort vessels, and 277 minesweepers participating. Nearly 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel on D-Day, with 875,000 men disembarking by the end of June. There were at least 10,000 Allied casualties in a single day with an additional 3000 civilian casualties. We present the following...
  • Quiet Please! Hollywood Is Speaking Again!Quiet Please! Hollywood Is Speaking Again!
  • Posting Anti-Government Memes (6 Memes)When there's a knock on the door after you've been posting anti-government memes all day!   Han Solo - Pro-Gun, Anti-Government Free Market Capitalist Spends millions spying on you... Sends you the bill! Hello, Government? I'd like to unsubscribe from your "Service!". What kind of anti-government crap did you post on Facebook this time? Share this if you think we should impeach the whole government!
  • What stage of quarantine are you in? What Stage Of Quarantine Are You In? (Meme)What stage of quarantine are you in?  
  • And The Winner Of The Democratic Debate Is…Announcing the official winner of the 2020 Democratic debate!  
  • Trump Just Can’t Stop Winning… In Memes (4 Memes)Look at me... I'm the President now!   New Rasmussen poll finds twice as many young people think African Americans are doing better now than under Obama's last year in office!   Time to upset the liberals with a Tweet!   Maybe he's born with it... maybe it's "Covfefe"
  • Trump “Total Acquittal” Impeachment Memes (10 Memes)On Wednesday, February 5th, the Senate acquitted Donald Trump of all Impeachment charges. In celebration, we give you these... Impeachment Acquittal memes...   Wahh!   Democrats, the test results are back... and Donald Trump IS your daddy!   For Sale: Gold impeachment pen. Only used once. Didn't work.   Hi Nancy. I'm on my way to sign Trump's acquittal papers. Do you have any more of those fancy gold pens?   Dear Nancy, I'm still President, but you can rip these papers up if it makes you feel better. Love Donald     So... we can't impeach Trump for what I did?   Merry Acquitmas!   Acquitted   Impeach Trump! Before we all end up with Jobs.   Sorry, I just thought it was a copy of the Constitution.   You can find more hilarious Impeachment memes here...