Funny Bernie Sanders Memes (8 Memes)

I don’t always comb my hair, but when I do… I use a balloon.


Bernie: I am no longer ASKING for financial support.

New Limited Edition Ben & Jerry’s Freezer Bernie ice cream bars.


After we bankrupt your employer, then you get your 52 weeks of vacation!


Greed, guns and prisons are what’s wrong with America! Now give me 90% of your income or I’ll send men with guns after you and send you to prison.


Minority youth unemployment is too high! Let’s double the cost to hire them.


Wanna hear everything I know about economics?  Pull my finger!

And finally…

The Official Bernie Sanders Drinking Game! Every time Bernie mentions a free government program, chug somebody else’s beer!


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The Stupidity Of Socialism… In Memes (4 Memes)

Hard times create Capitalists. Capitalists create good times  Good times create Socialists. Socialists create hard times.


When you’re a Woke Socialist, but then you start paying income taxes…


The USA is the only country without {insert Socialist program here}.

Founding Fathers: Yah, that’s sort of the whole point!

I crossed 90 miles of shark infested, hurricane ridden ocean at night, on a raft I made out of water bottles to escape… Free Market Capitalism… said no one, ever!

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