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Red State Meme War ⋆ Page 2 of 13 ⋆ Taking America back one meme at a time.

Funny Bernie Sanders Memes (8 Memes)

I don’t always comb my hair, but when I do… I use a balloon.


Bernie: I am no longer ASKING for financial support.

New Limited Edition Ben & Jerry’s Freezer Bernie ice cream bars.


After we bankrupt your employer, then you get your 52 weeks of vacation!


Greed, guns and prisons are what’s wrong with America! Now give me 90% of your income or I’ll send men with guns after you and send you to prison.


Minority youth unemployment is too high! Let’s double the cost to hire them.


Wanna hear everything I know about economics?  Pull my finger!

And finally…

The Official Bernie Sanders Drinking Game! Every time Bernie mentions a free government program, chug somebody else’s beer!


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Trump “Total Acquittal” Impeachment Memes (10 Memes)

On Wednesday, February 5th, the Senate acquitted Donald Trump of all Impeachment charges. In celebration, we give you these… Impeachment Acquittal memes…




Democrats, the test results are back… and Donald Trump IS your daddy!


For Sale: Gold impeachment pen. Only used once. Didn’t work.


Hi Nancy. I’m on my way to sign Trump’s acquittal papers. Do you have any more of those fancy gold pens?


Dear Nancy, I’m still President, but you can rip these papers up if it makes you feel better. Love Donald



So… we can’t impeach Trump for what I did?


Merry Acquitmas!




Impeach Trump! Before we all end up with Jobs.


Sorry, I just thought it was a copy of the Constitution.


You can find more hilarious Impeachment memes here…


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Hilarious Trump Impeachment Memes (8 Memes)

Try to impeach this!


Impeachment? Ha Ha Ha…

You nutjobs couldn’t even stop me from winning your rigged election!


Trying to find the part of the constitution

where “Cuz I hate him!” is grounds for impeachment.


You can’t impeach him if he’s “Not Your President!”


What if I told you impeachment doesn’t mean automatic removal from office.


If Trump is impeached, Pence becomes President.

Pence pardons Trump and appoints him Vice President.

Pence resigns. Trump becomes President and appoints Pence as his Vice President.

Liberal heads explode!


I think you should be impeached.

I didn’t know you could do that.

What? Impeach?

No… Think!


And finally…


That moment you realize that the Democrats “Impeachment Inquiry”

means you’re definitely getting reelected in 2020!


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AOC Memes (10 memes)

If you offer me a penny for my thoughts… I’ll have to give you change back


I support our veterans. They keep our pets healthy.


Bread goes in. Toast comes out. Where does the bread go?


My sister doesn’t know if she’s having a boy or a girl. I don’t know if I’m going to be an aunt or an uncle.


When you get off the plane in Venezuela… and you can’t seem to find the Socialist utopia that you were expecting.


Why are buffalo wings so small… when buffalos are so big?


Have you accepted the state as your Lord and savior?


Never let someone who has done nothing… tell you how to do anything.


How do they get the “Keep off the grass” sign on the grass?


Noting is built in America these days  I just bought a T. V. and it said “Built in Antenna.” I don’t even know where that is!


And finally…

Blonds are now telling Alexandria Ocasión-Cortez jokes


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You Might Be A Liberal If… (Five Memes)

If you think the party that freed the slaves are the racist ones… you might be a Liberal.


If you don’t trust the police or government, but you think they should be the only ones to have guns…you might be a Liberal.


If you find yourself defending MS13 gang members … you might be a Liberal.


If you’re more concerned about Islamophobia than stopping terrorism… you might be a Liberal.


If you think it’s wrong to cut down a tree, but okay to kill a baby… you might be a Liberal.

Continue reading “You Might Be A Liberal If… (Five Memes)”

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